"Marron" animals

Escaped livestock that have returned to the wild.


Association Historique Internationale de l'Océan Indien (Indian Ocean International Historical Association).

Archaeological excavation

An archaeological excavation consists of studies, fieldwork and laboratory work to gather archaeological data from a site, analyse it, interpret it and present the results in a report.


An emplacement for artillery pieces or fixed cannons. This defensive system may be an isolated unit or part of a larger structure. These batteries are most often composed of a firing platform and a parapet. Operational equipment such as a powder magazine, guardhouse and lookout may also be integrated into the defensive system.


Computer-Aided Design


In Réunion, this refers to an elongated building housing several families of indentured labourers.


Confrérie Des Gens De La Mer (Brotherhood of Seamen).

CG / CD 974

Conseil Général / Conseil Départemental de La Réunion (General Council / Departmental Council of Réunion)


Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (French National Centre for Scientific Research)


Centre de Recherche sur les Sociétés de l’Océan Indien (Centre for Research on Indian Ocean Societies)


Direction des Affaires Culturelles de La Réunion (Department of Cultural Affairs of Réunion).


Direction de l’Environnement, de l’Aménagement et du Logement (Department for the Environment, Development and Housing).


A study, made in advance, generally using trenches, of the potential archaeological impact of planned large developments affecting the subsoil. If interesting discoveries are made, preventive excavations may be ordered by the Ministry of Culture.


Direction des Entreprises, de la Concurrence, de la Consommation, du Travail et de l’Emploi (Department of Business, Competition, Consumption, Work and Employment).


Département des Recherches Archéologiques Subaquatiques et Sous-Marines (Department of Underwater and Marine Archaeological Research)


European Archaeology Days

Flying landing stage

A wooden pier built over the sea and suspended using a system of bricks, trunks or beams to support a walkway. The stage was used to load and unload goods to stores and warehouses without the launch transporting them from ships running aground.


Pirate or lawless sea-rover who mounted armed expeditions on his own account.


Groupe de Recherches sur l'Archéologie et l'Histoire de la Terre réunionnaise (Réunion Archaeological and Historical Research Group).

Grid plan (or Hippodamus grid or orthonormal plan)

Organisation of urban areas along straight axes crossing at right angles to form regular blocks. The concept is wrongly attributed to an urban planning theory devised by Hippodamus of Miletus, a surveyor and engineer living in the 5th century BCE.

ICP-MS (Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry)

An analysis to determine the composition of a given material. Learn more: https://www.res-artes.com/en/characterization/icp-ms/


Iconothèque Historique de l’Océan Indien (Historic Picture Library of the Indian Ocean)

Indentured labourers

Foreign workers bound by a contract to work for a specific employer for a number of years. Implemented on a large-scale on Réunion following the abolition of slavery in 1848 and until the end of the 20th century, this phenomenon is the reason for the existence of diverse communities on the island.


Institut National de Recherches Archéologiques Préventives (French National Institute of Preventive Archaeological Research).


Journées Nationales de l’Archéologie (National Archaeology Days).


Light Detection And Ranging.


Military observation post.


Musée des Arts Décoratifs de l’Océan Indien (Indian Ocean Decorative Arts Museum).


"Marines" shaped the coastal landscape of Réunion for almost two centuries. Build along the coastline, they were essential to the island’s trade and economy. These facilities built by marine corporations consisted of landing stages on wooden or metal piles linked to the coastline by masonry to transport goods to warehouses built on dry land. They were used to load and unload people, livestock and goods carried from launches servicing ships anchored out at sea. These facilities were subsequently connected to the main railway line. The largest companies constructed branch lines to facilitate stevedoring. At their peak, in the 1860s, there were 17 landing stages and marines around the island.


From the Spanish cimarrón referring to a domestic animal that has partially or fully returned to the wild after its escape or abandonment. A marron slave or “marron” was therefore a runaway slave who had escaped his or her owner’s estate, an act known as marronnage.

Marronnage (grand)

Flight by slaves (lasting longer than one month according to an order of 1819) to permanently escape slavery, sometimes leading to the creation of organised, autonomous and sustainable communities.

Marronnage (petit)

Temporary slave flight lasting from three days to one month, according to the order of 1819.


Ministère de la Culture (Ministry of Culture)


Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (National Natural History Museum).


Nouvelle Aquitaine et Outre-Mer (New Aquitaine and French Overseas Territories).

Natural harbour

Mooring area where ships can anchor.


Nature, Découverte et Partage.


Office Municipal de Développement Agricole Rural (Municipal Office for Rural Agricultural Development).


Outre-Mer Topographie.


Office National des Forêts (National Forestry Office).

OSL (Optically stimulated luminscence) 

Method used to date the last exposure of minerals – such as those naturally present in terracotta – to heat (above 500°C) or intense light. Learn more: https://www.res-artes.com/en/dating/thermoluminescenceosl/


Observatoire Volcanologique du Piton de la Fournaise (Piton de la Fournaise Volcanological Observatory).


De la Préhistoire à l’Actuel : Culture, Environnement et Anthropologie (From Prehistory to the Present: Culture, Environment and Anthropology). Bordeaux university laboratory.

Planned archaeology

Planned archaeology, also known as research-oriented archaeology, is carried out as part of a national research programme determined by representatives of the scientific community responsible for archaeology in France. It most often involves multi-year research programmes with highly specific goals covering the chronological and thematic field of the archaeological investigation. A planned excavation does not have to be undertaken at speed and takes a purely scientific approach not constrained by land development. It is carried out by professional archaeologists from universities, the CNRS, the Ministry of Culture, Inrap, local authorities and others, or by independent archaeologists who are members of voluntary organisations. All excavations are performed within a scientific framework and require specific technical skills. Investigations are authorised by the prefect based on scientific advice from the territorial archaeological research committee (CTRA).


Parc National de La Réunion (Réunion National Park).


Activities performed after the field stage (evaluation or excavation): document processing, cleaning, the drawing up of inventories, packing, and the studying of archaeological finds.


Second-line fortification.

Rescue archaeology

Rescue archaeology, also known as developer-led archaeology, aims to detect, preserve or safeguard, through scientific research and in a timely manner, on land and under water, archaeological heritage affected or likely to be affected by public or private works programmes concurrent to a development. It aims to reconcile the demands of scientific research, heritage conservation and the economic development of a particular region. The rules applied are set out in Book V of the heritage code.


Société d’Études Ornithologiques de La Réunion (Réunion Ornithological Studies Society).


Société d'Étude Scientifique des Cavernes de La Réunion (Réunion Society for the Scientific Study of Caves).


Service Régional de l’Archéologie (Regional Archaeology Service).


Société Réunionnaise des Amis du Muséum (Réunion Society of Friends of the Museum).


Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises (French Southern and Antarctic Territories).


Stratigraphic units.