Around the 29th century, the village of Clairvaux III was adapted to a small, partially artificial island, formed from the accumulation of the remains of previous villages.

The change is clear, with the absence of a collectively constructed wooden trackway, a short, fairly weak palisade and houses, very different one from another, grouped around a central space. The spatial organisation of the village is much less coherent, as the population density collapsed with the crisis in the late 30th century.

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Clairvaux III, ca. 2,900 BCE.

Photo library Institut Claude-Nicolas Ledoux.

© Institut Claude-Nicolas Ledoux.

Photo: Gilles Abegg, model by Patrick Guillou.

Map of Clairvaux III, recent phase.

Ca. 29th century BCE.

Drawing by P. Pétrequin and A. Viellet.